Money Buys

Money Buys A Vacation/Freedom

Year:                                              1996

Location:                                       Billboards in Gush Dan, metropolitan Tel Aviv

Curator:                                         Ofer Ze'evi

Project Manager and Catalog:    Ruti Cantor

In 1996, the American Express financial services and credit card company celebrated the first anniversary of the Israeli version of its credit card with an exhibition of art displayed on billboards across the Tel Aviv metropolitan area of Gush Dan. Twenty Israeli artists were approached to create works inspired by the credit card itself, its content, message, meaning and associations. Ten of the submitted works were chosen for the outdoor exhibition.

The work I presented employs a favorite image of credit card companies – a distant, exotic beach. To reach this paradise one generally has to use his or her credit card to pay for airline tickets, a hotel, and a rental car. The illusion of the view created in my studio refers to my beloved Sinai Desert, where only cash will do and credit cards are not accepted.